At Nusenia, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality, authentic high fashion products. We understand the importance of authenticity in the fashion industry, and we want to ensure that every item you purchase from us is genuine. This Authenticity Policy outlines our commitment to authenticity and the steps we take to guarantee the legitimacy of our products.

We source our products directly from reputable and authorized suppliers, designers, and brands. We maintain strong relationships with our suppliers to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the products we offer.

Authenticity Guarantee:
We guarantee that all products sold on our Shopify website are 100% authentic. We do not deal with counterfeit or replica items, and we take strict measures to prevent their inclusion in our inventory.

Product Verification:
We carefully inspect each item before listing it for sale to ensure its authenticity. Our team of experts is trained to identify genuine high fashion products and differentiate them from counterfeit or replica items.

Certificates of Authenticity:
For certain high-end designer products, we may provide a certificate of authenticity (COA) from the brand or designer. The COA serves as additional proof of the product's authenticity and can be provided upon request.

Brand Relationships:
We maintain direct relationships with a wide range of luxury fashion brands and designers. These relationships enable us to verify the authenticity of our products and ensure that they are sourced directly from the brands themselves.

Returns and Refunds:
If you have any concerns about the authenticity of a product you have purchased from us, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will investigate the issue thoroughly and, if necessary, request additional information or documentation. If it is determined that the item is not authentic, we will offer a full refund or replacement, including any associated shipping costs.

Reporting Counterfeit Items:
If you come across any counterfeit or replica items being sold on our website, please notify our customer support team immediately. We take such reports seriously and will investigate the matter promptly.

Educational Resources:
We strive to educate our customers about the importance of authenticity and how to identify counterfeit items. We provide informative content on our website and social media platforms to help you make informed purchasing decisions.

Please note that this policy is subject to change without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review the policy periodically to stay updated on any modifications.